Practical Things to Help You as a Team Leader 
You are on step 9 now. and are now in line to receiving your six
and becoming a Team leader. Well done!!!

Before we begin let's look at:




Pillar #9:


What you "become" directly influences what you "get". 


Jim Rohn said “Become a millionaire for what it makes of you to become that.”


You see, what it makes of you is more important than the money. You must also like what you become.

I mean, Judas got the money, got the success but wasn’t happy with who he had become in betraying Jesus.

Don’t compromise your values in the process. You will regret who you become.

Money cannot be the end to all. “He who loves money never has enough.”

You will die rich but unhappy.


Not only will you be happy with yourself if you keep your values but should you lose the million dollars (which happens) then you have become the kind of person who can make it back.


You have no doubt heard of the person who won the lottery but couldn’t keep the money because they had not become the kind of person who knew what to do with it.

In the Bible it says that the servant who is faithful with little will be given more.


So be faithful with what you have. Make a profit from it and keep increasing your earnings. Study how to make more earnings and continually become the person who can not only handle what you have but who will do something valuable that will help others besides yourself.


If your final goal is to give back in greater quantity to what God originally gave you, then this has been a worthy goal..


Part One: 

The Secret To Why GDI Works:

So it’s important to realize that if you want GDI Team Elite
to work for you, you need to work it.
So now we need to go through some practical things to help you. It’s important that you know the practical reasons why GDI TE works, how to set autoresponder campaigns, make a team link for your member to promote, what to say to new people who ask you about joining our team and how to help your team to duplicate.
The very fact that new people connect with us via email is the key to why GDI Team Elite works. There are three important aspects of Success that I leaned from my seven figure income mentor. These were:
& Trust 
For many years we tried selling things online and bought TONS of advertising. But you can realize how hard it is to sell things to people you don’t knoweven with hundreds of thousands of hits a month!
People, as a rule are very suspicious (and very understandably so). People may opt in with name and email address to see your program but rarely buy and if they do it’s rare. Usually they don’t hang around very long with the program for many different reasons.
One of the big reasons is because they have no real connection with anyone and also they have a really hard time just like I did making sales. This problem starts and then just keeps being passed down from one person to the next.
 But GDI TEAM ELITE does it right from the beginning. It opens the door for trust to be built with new prospective members and then passes this secret on to each team leader. 

The secret to success online is for people to get to know you, then like you and then trust you. That’s it. Knowing this and implementing it are two different things.

Let us give you an example with a true story: 
A while back Albie began sharing his online opportunities to people on Craigslist.  He did NOT share the link with them on the ad. Instead he put a phone number for them to call him. They would call and he would answer and talk with them. They would get to know him then like him, then begin to trust him and sign up with his programs.
He began making consistent income with this method. But he was spending a HUGE amount of time on the phone – which he didn’t like. So when he realized that GDI TEAM ELITE duplicated this same system only through EMAIL – he was excited!
(Remember back to how you connected with us and think how it all began. Now do you see!) 
Okay, let me explain some more:
Albie spent many years learning 10 principles to online marketing and the one key ingredient he could never seem to integrate was active communication between team leaders and new potential customers online. He knew it was crucial and spent a year tying to make it work with his programs. But he couldn’t seem to do it. When he realized GDI Team Elite did it effectively,  he knew he had come to the right place!
Think about it – the reason you asked us to join GDI Team Elite is because of their awesome autoresponder and set up which doesn’t take you to a web page but brings you to your sponsor (us) which is one of the key reasons GDI Team Elite works. The ingredient being personal connection and trust building elements which is vital to success online.
So now here is a little quiz: 
If so could you repeat it back to us if we asked you?
If NOT re-read this. If so you are ready to move on.
Great job! 
Now we need to help you duplicate these Steps to any new members on your team.
These steps were purposely held back till you need to begin your new team,
email list and autoresponder. These steps are crucial to understanding how to build a BIG email list,
keeping that list and interacting with your list.
Once you become a team leader you will be able
to use the Sixteen Steps and have your links added to your own
"Team Leaders Page"!
In the mean time your team leader will help new members on your new team to sign
up to programs you have upgraded in. 

Part Two: 


Preparing yourself for becoming team leader  

In this part we will show you how to prepare yourself and be ready to teach
your members. Don't panic! If  you don't feel comfortable in some area we
are here to help. Just ask us  :) Now let's start:
Prepare yourself to becoming a team leader with your six members.
Here are some very practical things you will have to learn to lead your team:
Don’t forget to be sure you add your traffic links to your GDI Downline Builder (or Training
Points Page). 

*Don't forget if you use these make sure you edit Albie's links and contact info out! 
Here are some tips for your Weekly Team letter:
"Creating content for team website" & "Where to copy content and how to tweak it" 
is covered in the YBY (GDI Tab), so please go back to that Step if you need review.
Sample Things to Say in Team News Letter:
Albie has made a "duplicatable team site" for you that you can simply copy and paste onto your website and then simply add your information. There are at least 30 - 100 articles connected to this site so these will help you and your team. The format has already been set up for you so this will help you a lot. In addition you can eventually edit these articles with your own links etc. But be careful not to try to do too much all at once!  You can see the Duplicatable Team Sites here
Here are some real basic topics to include in your team update:
a) “So this week we got (?) new people who signed up to find out more about GDI Team Elite
and (?) who are now in the process of actually joining and (?) new member! Great work!”
b) “Great work on getting all your hits for the team! Our co-op unites us all together
to get hits and allowing us more signups because of our focus!
Great work making it all happen!”
c) “With Team Elite's help we will get your 6 members in the course of time.
This is team work and we work together to help everyone to build a downline. 
Team work means all of us will need to help with the advertising.
If you need help we can show you how you can do this.”
d) Highly recommended to do as soon as possible...
The learning bonus!

"I want to also encourage you do to the GDI Learning Bonus so that you can earn $25 during your first few weeks.
It is best to get started on it after you joined because you only have eight weeks to complete all the steps to get the bonus of $25."

Co-Team leading with Sponsors help.
Allow your leader to co-partner with you with your new team in helping you get
“off the ground” so to speak! It does take a little time to get the hang of it but
once you do, you will be off and running.
Realize that sometimes team members drop out, so reading and implementing the
Secret of the Big Dogs will help you make up for team members who
are either not participating or who are not helping the team to get their weekly hits.

This was a big problem for Albie when he first started but the "Big Dogs" helped him
to get the hits needed and the new members to keep the fire burning.
Ask your team leader about the Big Dogs link if you need it. 
Realize also that weekly communication with your team via the team email
and by personally emailing your team will help you build that rapport that you
need to build a strong team! 

Part Three: 



. .
Your only costs to be a Team Leader which are mandatory are monthly payments 
for GDI and for the TrafficWave autoresponder. But these are costs only before you start
making money from them. TrafficWave has an affiliate program too and your members
will be able to join it under your link. This will be an additional income source for you!

To be honest, we encourage all our members to join the Power Lead System (PLS)
so that you can create the MOST leveraged income, have access to all
the Team Share Codes (so as to duplicate all the YBY Team Pages and 
funnel) and have a better autoresponder that not only is single opt in but also
connects to AWeber (arguably the BEST autoresponder for affiliates).

You can see more about PLS on the YBY Home Page HERE
All of us have heard the statement:
"The Money Is In The List"
The phrase describes the relationship between large email lists and long term internet
marketing success (ie making money online). The list is indeed a powerful tool.
We will be helping you understand how to turn your list into a huge
income source. However, for now we will teach you
how to get it set up!
. . .


Using Traffic Wave will give you access by your team
leader (when you join TrafficWave under him) to 
access the Share Code, so he can help you set up 
these capture pages: 


Important Note: See this last page how I have added the BuildabizOnline Branding picture at the top left corner? 
This helps to identify and BRAND you to your online audience. Once they see your picture, they will remember it and notice it again
when they see it. This will help you build "Know" as the first step to "Know, Like & Trust". This in itself will help bring you
new people onto your team
- especially when they begin seeing your link all over the traffic sites.
When you sign up for TrafficWave under your team leader, he will be able to help you get
all this set up on your account.
. . You can take a test run of TrafficWave here:

Don't forget to find your team leaders link and connect with it there. 


Steps to Creating Your Special Team Link with TrafficWave

(See details how to use TW & BABO and BABO by itself)


(And to create a special team link for each new team member

when they get to Step four).


Here's some basics about doing that. Ask your team leader for more help if you need it: 
-Inside TrafficWave, go to Adtracker Tab.
-Click “Create New Adtracker URL”.
-Place rotator URL from TrafficWave *(Ask Team Leader how to get these links) into “Target URL
-Add Nickname to box (get nickname or username from GDI back office website under Downline tab for team member you are creating link for).
-Press “Submit my Adtracker URL”.
-Verify that your target link is correct.
-Click "My Target URL is correct - Create My Adtracker".
-Click “Place in Existing Group” and press arrow button and choose your GDI campaign name. Mine is called: “gditeamelite”.
.-press “Submit
Your done! Now you will see new link for member in Adtracker Tab. Copy and paste this url and give it to your team member by placing it in the correct email (from the Six GDI Team Elite Letters) and sending it to them.
NOTE: You also have the option to cloak/track this TW link you just made using the Buildabizonline tracker so that you can see exactly what sites your members are using for traffic. If you see they are using a auto-surfing site then you can WARN them about this so that they will be able to get REAL Traffic for the team and not just fake traffic!

Process of making special link for your new team member

using TrafficWave and BABO:

. . .,
 You were previously shown how to make your special Team Link with TrafficWave. There is a more advanced addition to this that really helps you understand who is clicking on your team members links.
If you don’t wish to use BABO, then just skip this but please read the warning below. You will of course not be able to see who is clicking on the team members links If you only use TrafficWave but you will at least know how many “people” clicked on it.
WARNING: It is possible that a member may buy “clicks” and “hits” from a disreputable dealer and who is not really getting real people clicking on their links. This happened to Albie and actually caused the first GDI Team Elite he was on to eventually close. Albie came back under new leadership later and started to succeed.
You can read about this on his Story below:
So this is how you can create a special link for your members
using TrafficWave and BABO: 
ONE: So go to BuildabizOnline (BABO) Rotator Tab (at the bar across the top) to make your BABO rotator link (if you need help please ask, but it is not difficult). Make sure to make sure the branding bar is set to "Hidden" as we do not want your branding bar to show (unless you want all your pages to have your branding picture to show). 
Example of what the link might look like:
TWO: Now go to TrafficWave. Go to the TrafficWave Adtracker. 
Now to create members New Adtracker URL with TW, place new BABO rotator link in Target URL. Make sure to add it to your GDI TE Campaign at the end before finishing. If you need to go back and refresh your memory and see the steps to creating it with TrafficWave, you should do that.
This is an example of what the new TrafficWave link will look like:
THREE: Now go back to BABO. Take this link and go to the BABO Brander/Cloaker. Go to the very bottom of the page and delete the "https://" (your link is an http:// without the "s"). in the box. Then add your TrafficWave URL in its entirety with its http;//. Add the Name of your member to the subject box such as: "My Members Link". 
Make Also make sure your to hide the branding bar as “Hidden” unless you want it to show. If you want it to show add it to the "top". Then select in the drop down menu how you want the URL to show (either with "buildabizonline" "babo" or "trackit").
Now click "Get URL". Take your new link and give it to your member to use. But first click on it to make sure it is working (If this is your first time doing this you might also give it to your team leader to check it also). Now you will be able to see everyone who clicks on that link by looking to the right of the link where it says "Stats, Edit, Delete".Click on "Stats" to see those who click the link. Wait a couple mins for Stats to load. You now will be able to see if your member is using good traffic sources and encourage or help them.
To sum up the proceedure:
1) Get your BABO rotator Link
2) Go to TrafficWave and enter rotator link into AdTracker and make a new link for your member.
3) Go back to BABO and add the link to your Cloak/Track/Shrink & Brand/ and track the link.
4) You're Done!

Process of making special link for your new team member using BABO Only: 

1) Get your BABO rotator Link set up. Add the splash page you want to promote inside your rotator. You can change/add/pause any link whenever you want. 
2) Go to Cloak/Track/Shrink & Brand. 
3) Ad the name of the new member.
4) Track the link.
5) Give that specific link to your new member. 
You're Done!
NOTE: You may need help with this so please ask if you do!
Let your Team Leader know if you have completed this. Have questions? Let your Team Leader know!


The other autoresponder we use in GDI TE is BUILDABIZONLINE (BABO). As we mentioned before it is not mandatory. You can use BUILDABIZONLINE (BABO) for your campaigns.
BABO is affiliate program too and you need only 3 referrals and it will be free for you. BABO is a whole system and you will never find trackers, HTML editor, branding, capture page builders, autoresponder and many other features for this price.
In GDI TE we use BABO as a tracker and we also use the HTML editor and rotator a lot. If you want you can create additional capture pages for your team and also create campaigns with it for the other affiliate programs you joined in GDI TE. The most important thing is that when your team members join it under you, you will earn from BABO too just like we have! 
We connect them all through the rotator in Buildabizonline. Don’t feel pressure to also have to use Buildabizonline online like we do. It’s just an option for you.
We try to get enough variety of capture pages so that it doesn’t get boring with the same 6 pages from TrafficWave. But sometimes it makes it worse if you use too much variety - so we are very careful to share new capture pages when the old ones get seen too much.
Here are our links if you would like to check out BABO. You can get a free account or even the pro account for only a $1 for a week or two.. . You can take a test run of BABO: TEAM LEADERS LINK.
Don't forget to find your team leaders link and connect with it there. 
Buildabizonline (BABO) Rotator and other features:
We use Buildabizonline the most for its rotator and helping our teams understand from what sites people are clicking on their links. So we give them a special link modified from TrafficWave to help them so we can know if they are really getting hits from the right places. It’s easy to cheat and do auto hits which don’t work!
With Buildabizonline we use the tracker, brander, cloaker, HTML function, rotator, capture page maker, banner maker & autoresponder!
(BABO) Branding:
we are "branding" ourselves so that others will begin to notice our picture on the capture pages and will notice all our ads. This builds an online presence and is crucial to getting new sign ups. 
Albie saw a lady add her pics to all her adds many years ago. The lady was in the same organization as Albie and he knew from the income board that she was making a lot of money. The only way he noticed all her ads was because of her picture. She did a ton of advertising. We have the same option to do this very thing with BABO. TrafficWave does not give us the option of adding a picture to our capture pages, but this can be remedied through the BABO brander tool. 
BABO is not going to change your life but Albie has already earned over $250 with it in residual income. Its not a lot but it all ads up! 
We also know Ian in England who owns Buildabizonline and he’s a good guy; honest and helpful too.
Here is how you can set up Programs Pages with Buildabizonline (BABO):
Click on Add/Edit Programs Tab on top right of page.
Add your link to Website URL.
Adding HTML to “Program Details.”
Add the following HTML code to program details and see if you like the results.
If you do, great! If not then go back and change it. 

Join GDI TEAM ELITE Today!</h2>  



<strong>FREE Team Leadership Trainingspan>


<strong>Active, Knowledgeable Sponsorsspan>


<strong> .span>

.<-- END OF HTML CODE - Do NOT copy this --->
* (If you want a different video, contact us for help.)
Press “Edit program” to complete and Save.
 You can also add a GDI Team Elite banner to your webpage. It's not too hard to figure out, however, ask Ian in support if you cant figure it out and need help with this. :)
NOTE: Just use the banners email we sent you to get the url pic and then add your special team link to the website URL where the banner goes when someone clicks on it.
You can also add a few more HTML codes we give you at the bottom (above your banner if you like): 
COPY/PASTE after the arrow:  --->

<strong>GDI Team Elite places 6 members


<strong>on your team and 6 on theirs</p>

 width=486 height=60>
<--- END. Do NOT Copy this --->
Press “Edit program” to finish.
*Watch video in BABO on setting up programs page if you need more help.
Then choose which pages you like and want to use by clicking “Promotional Stuff” tab and then clicking again under:
Your Programs Page List
Program Page Mixtures (“The Programs Pages below this are a mixture of Alternative Layouts...etc)”
Programs Pages with No Buildabizonline Branding
Get the link of the pages you want to use and put them in your GDI Team Elite BABO rotator.

Process of making special link for your new team member

using TrafficWave and BABO: 

PS: in an earlier portion of this Step you were shown how to make your special Link with TrafficWave. There is a more advanced addition to this that really helps you understand who is clicking on your team members links. To See this simply go back to see How to Make Team Leaders Special Link and scroll down to it shows using BABO and TrafficWave).


There is other capture page maker which we use in GDI TE:
We use ONYALIST for creating Capture, Splash or Sales Pages only (this is optional autoresponder too): It works really well with GDI Team Elite, many leaders use it and it's super easy to use! 
Please speak with your Team Leader about these details.
Our Upline Kathy also uses Onyalist capture pages and they are very effective.. .
You can take a test run of Onyalist: TEAM LEADERS LINK.
Don't forget to find your team leaders link and connect with it there. 

Part Four: 


Responding to possible new members and answering questions.


Please request that your team leader send you this information (part four) in the form of an email (so you can keep it on your computer or smart phone for helping your team and new prospects!


New Member Sign up Link


So now you as a team leader will have to communicate for your team with new prospective members and give them your personal GDI link, so that they can join. Often you will want to move them under your other team members who are showing real effort, to help them earn the bonus after they have almost finished Step 3. and when they are qualifying to get to their 1000 hits a week and getting to Step 9.
All members that sign up under your link can be "moved" or "placed" to level two if they are on your level one. Go into the GDI backoffice under "Downline" to find this option. Please be careful to read the instructions carefully before placing anyone!
However, if you want to move them to level 2 or below one of your other members on these lower levels, you will have three options: 
1) Find the members username in the GDI back office (look under Downline tab) and add it to this link:
Add it to the end like this: (You can see Albie's username added in blue)
Important Note:
Make sure to test the link. After clicking the link and when the GDI website comes up, look at the top right corner and you will see the referrers name and username. Make sure this is correct. If not, connect the username again without ANY spaces etc and try again. 
2) Or you could just ask for that members pesonal GDI link (in the Replicated Sites tab in GDI backoffice) to give out to new prospective member
3) Or you  could just become a premium paying member (As you can move all levels at premium).
One last important Note: Be careful about putting a new member on your level Five as you will NOT GET PAID on any levels LOWER than Five!!! I would suggest getting your new leaders to take responsibility for their members past level 4. 

Sample Response Letters:

Here are many sample letters Albie, wrote to prospective members and also to new team members. You may use these but please take out his details or share with others that “my sponsor shared this with me” to clarify that this is not your personal story.
Also: If you copy and use this page please take out links and replace them with your own. You may also ask your team leader to send this page to you via email. 
My GDI TEAM Elite Leader Page:  .
Those who asked to "send them the link":
Those who emailed me back:
Weekly sign ups:
My personal team Link:
My blog address:
My Favorite Banner GIF
My personal GDI Link (NOT GDI Team Elite)
So the minute you get a  new subscriber, record how many you get each week so you can place that information in the team letter, then send them the following message below. I get more people signing up just because I attempt to communicate with them. Also I press "resend" to the message I send them once a week if I don't hear from them after a few days. Its often the fact of persistence that causes them to notice and write back.
Hi (name). I just wanted to write you a little note and say hello!
Do you have any questions about GDI Team Elite that I can answer for you?
(Phone #)
Thanks for connecting with me! The link to start is below. I’m curious to hear your personal story and what brought you to GDI Team Elite?
We will be happy to have you with us!  To join our Team Elite then please use my link below.  After you join we will begin working with you to build up your business.
To join please use this link =====>
(take this link out and add your own. A simple way is to just take out my username and add your username to the end of the url and test it to make sure it is working:)
Let me know if you need help with anything.  You may call me (or Skype me if outside US)
if you would like to meet and talk a little about GDI. :-)
You can email me at
or see me on Skype/Facebook messenger.
(Phone #)
Facebook Messenger Name:
PLEASE SEND ME THE LINK (use this one if you use your new upcoming
leaders link to help them get their six:)
(Sending link so they can join with your new upcoming team leader - your leader may be
levels down and you can’t move them under them normally using GDI backoffice).
Thanks for connecting with me! The link to start is below. I’m curious to hear your
personal story and what brought you to GDI Team Elite...:-)
We will be happy to have you with us!  To join our Team Elite then please use my link below. 
After you join we will begin working with you to build up your business.
To join please use this link =====> .
This is my new leaders link (her name is {Name} and he/she will be helping you too.
I will be helping you personally also and will make sure you are doing well,
connecting and moving forward to build your team!
Let me know if you need help with anything.  You may call me (or Skype me if outside US)
if you would like to meet and talk a little about GDI. :-)
You can email me at
or see me on Skype/Facebook messenger.
~Albie Derbyshire
Cell 626-379-5692
Skype: sailingwithalbie
Facebook Messenger Name: Albion W. Derbyshire
"The very fact that we are talking is the key to why GDI Team Elite works
and how we get new signups every week."
 Nice to meet you. I completely understand, and I actually was in a similar situation as yourself. This is the reason I have two accounts with GDI. However In order to join GDI Team Elite you have to either get a new account with us or cancel your regular subscription to GDI and join under us (with new email to GDI) and then we help you get your six.
The thing you have to understand is that GDI Team Elite helps you build many income streams besides GDI. And it’s one of the few businesses that actually work with Safelist marketing (I know because I was involved and spent $1000’s inside of 40 different biz ops) The reason it works is because people communicate through email with us just how you’re doing and it allows people to build trust and trust builds solid teams. I realize it’s a little frustrating. But I think you will find that it is one of the best things you did online.
So yes I will help you. Just use another email address to create a new account
(use the link I sent you) and then just change the payment info on the old one
so that next payment it will not be able to charge you and cancel, contact Support and cancel that way, or you can keep it and have two like me (lol) I hope this helps :-)
Here’s the link to join under our team:
I look forward to helping you!
(Phone #)
Hi (Name).So nice to meet you! So yes there are ways to get your thousand hits a week for free but it does take either money or time to do this. If you have the time to click for credits and earn, then yes it can be done all for free.
I’ve been through (?) 40 different opportunities online and spent ($?) $1000’s on them and made hardly any money.(or you can say your freind and upline has). GDI Team Elite is different because it’s easy to build leverage and multiple residual income streams from it and it works and eventually it can become a full time income. The reason it works is because it creates real communication with people - just like how you have communicated with me and that allows trust to build and trust builds solid teams.
I hope this helps Daniel! Hope you have an awesome day and looking forward to talking again soon.  :-)
Hey (Name)! So we help you get 6 people as a team. Everyone advertises together and we help each team member get their 6 at the right time. :-)
Does that help (Name)?
Want to talk? Feel free to call or Messenger/Skype call me :-)
(Phone #)
So GDI Team Elite is about as legit of a program as they come but I want you to be aware that there are so many fake or hyped up business types online that will take your money and leave you with very little. I went through (?) 40 of them myself and spent ($?) all my investment money in the process and came up just making a few hundred dollars (or my friend and sponsor did). In the end it’s a skill you’re learning and it takes real time, effort and determination to learn. It’s not something you achieve in 30 days. I never heard of a real life skill being learned that fast - so please trust me when I help you with GDI, and help you move forward with your dreams and your practical actions each week. In time you will get your six under you and I will teach you how to be a Team Leader and how to help others get their six and be building your income at the same time!
Ok - great to hear from you (name) So those are some great questions. On average I get (?) one or two new people joining every week and I just put them under my team. Whoever is serious and helping the teams co-op advertising - doing their 1000 hits a week would be the first person I would put the new members under. You see in a nutshell GDI Team Elite works because people like yourself actually communicate with us - as they rarely do in other biz ops. Because of this real connection there is possibility of building trust between each other and this is how real teams form.
Think of this as a real business and not just another thing. Businesses take time and effort to create anything valuable. If people like the product, they will stay so you keep building residual income and building leverage. You also build leverage from sharing your traffic links with your team and anything you use to build your email list such as auto responders and URL trackers (when they become a leader too). You can actually build multiple streams of income with GDI team elite and that’s why I love it.
 I hope this helps Andy! Feel free to ask any more questions. GDI is one of the few real programs that actually works using Safelist advertising. I know because I’ve explored (?) 40 of them and paid out (?) thousands of dollars testing them. It was a difficult road to pursue. There’s more I would love to share with you as I haven’t even dented the surface but maybe later. :-)
(Phone #)
Glad to get to know you a little better! I totally understand what you’re going through. I’ve been through *?) 40 different opportunities online and spent ($?) $1000’s on them and made hardly any money. GDI Team Elite is different because even through the income at first is small, it’s easy to build leverage and multiple income streams from it and it works and eventually it can become a full time income. The reason it works is because it creates real communication with people - just like how you have communicated with me and that allows trust to build and trust builds solid teams.
I hope this helps and looking forward to having you on our team! 
Contact info
Yes right. I understand (Name). Thanks for your (kind) comments. This program pays but it takes a little while to build leverage before it earns really well. Most business types are like this. It's like selling hotdogs one at a time all by yourself or building a team to sell hot-dogs for you and you make a piece from each sale. That's leverage. Does that make sense!? But you can see why leverage would change your life right! Residual income on top of this is very powerful but like anything it takes persistence to build.
That's why having a job is a good idea while you're building. Most people settle for a job and never build anything. So they have to always be content with income earned by their own effort instead of earned by team and residual efforts. :-)
I hope this helps and looking forward to working with you! 
Contact info
Hi (Name), so there are Sixteen Steps to go through as a team member at your own pace. Each step will help you learn internet marketing, earn the $25 starter bonus, learn how to do 1000 hits a week for the team co-op, how to earn residual income from GDI and from multiple income streams, and how to be an effective team leader and how your team will help you grow your email list. I hope this helps. The expenses are the monthly GDI website $10 mo. and when you become a leader with your 6 new members the autoresponder and email list builder with TrafficWave ($17 a month).
I’ve been through (?) 40 different opportunities online and spent $1000’s on them and made hardly any money. GDI Team Elite is different because even through the income at first is small, it’s easy to build leverage and multiple residual income streams from it and it works and eventually it can become a full time income. The reason it works is because it creates real communication with people - just like how you have communicated with me and that allows trust to build and trust builds solid teams.
I hope this helps (name)! Hope you have an awesome day and looking forward to talking again soon :-)
(Phone #)
My mentor (or uplines mentor) who makes seven figures online could probably answer that question 10x better then I but I'm going to give you my take.
The problem is being able to help someone do what you are doing. Once you accomplish that your efforts and pay doubles. When you build a team who can duplicate what you're doing you quadruple your earnings and then it begins to build away from you and all it needs is your supervision. You can become very rich very fast if you can create duplication to a good system that's not scamming people. That's what my (upline) mentor has built. I've watched him very carefully and I've found the duplication key and want to pass it on.  If you take good notes on each of the Sixteen Steps I believe a year from now our lives will be very different. I know that's sounds crazy but if you trust me you will see how many income streams are built into these steps.
Every step put together is built on a year of personal pain learning it and what 6-figure earners do. You will see that nothing done is original except perseverance and connecting the dots. However, the business model chosen for the starting process is original and how its connected multiple busisnes types that compliment each other. Does that help? If you're with me I would love to show you the steps and how powerful each one is. If you have 10 mins a day and two additional hours a week to support your growing team, we can do this.
(adjust this to your story or comment that this is what happened to your sponsor or mentor). 
I (or my sponsor) joined GDI at least a couple times before even joining GDI Team Elite.
I liked the GDI website and auto hosting it provided.  I had seen auto-responder emails for GDI Team Elite for at least a (?) year and eventually decided to give it a shot. I connected with the leader but he never responded to me! Haha! After a year of emails from him and I finally contact him and he didn’t respond. It blew my mind. So at that time I saw a team leader who was all over the Internet. Her name was Kathy Von Golden from Hawaii. So I decided to join her. I had to cancel my present subscription with GDI just to join her. After joining I was soon put on a new team with a new lady.
This lady was committed to do the basics but didn’t really connect with us personally each week so I kind of felt alone. I did my 1000 hits a week but it took forever for her to put people under me. The reason was because un be known to me she was encouraging all of us to use auto hits which didn’t bring in real people to our opp. I don’t think she realized this. It was an easy $10 for 3 months to get weekly 1000 hits but hardly anybody joined our team.
So months later I got a few people but then I got so discouraged I stopped doing much. I met a mentor online at this time who was a seven figure income earner. I began to make consistent income with his program and by following his example. I was excited! However, like everything in life things are never easy and I I came to a plateau with my marketing and needed to tweak things a bit and tried so many alternatives. Nothing seemed to work. You must also realize that since 2012 I had joined about 40 different biz opps and had spent $1000’s in trying to figure out internet marketing!
At this time my original sponsor Kathy contacted me again. She realized I had stuck it out and deserved to get my six so she helped me out. Soon she asked me to be a team leader. Honestly I had no idea why I wanted to be a leader and what good it would do. But I had worked for a year to be a leader and why would I just blow it and not even give it a shot! Lol! It appeared that she was very successful at it so I said “yes”. I gave it a half hearted try at first and but soon the dots began to connect. I realized that GDI Team Elite had so many qualities my mentor had been telling me about. So I began to put my whole heart into it and soon saw I had nearly missed it all. The puzzle pieces fitted even better than I could ever had imagined! Haha!
I hope this helps you! Looking forward to working with you. :)
Contact Info:
Yes I know (Name). I’ve also been there done that too. It really depends on your team leader unfortunately.
I joined GDI at least a couple times before even joining GDI Team Elite. I went though a LOT as you can imagine.
I’ve been through (?) 40 different opportunities online and spent *$?) $1000’s on them and made hardly any money. GDI Team Elite is different. It’s easy to build leverage and multiple income streams from it and it works and eventually it can become a full time income. The reason it works is because it creates real communication with people - just like how you have communicated with me and that allows trust to build and trust builds solid teams.
I hope this helps and looking forward to working with you! 
(Phone #)
Thanks for sharing with me. I totally understand that and been through similar experiences as you. I’ve been through (?) 40 different opportunities online and spent *$?) $1000’s on them and even though I made ($?) $1000’s over the years I could not seem to create consistency until I realized what GDI Team Elite had.
It’s true - you have to be patient to make money with GDI Team Elite. And I don’t want you to join and have the same experience over again. On our team we have Sixteen Steps to help you find success with GDI Team Elite. It’s easy to do in your spare time and I will personally help you :-)
Once you become a leader you are able to make consistent income if you are a good leader. And the reality is that it’s hard to make money online PERIOD unless you understand how to really do that. It’s NOT as easy as all the ads say. Let me share a few things with you that took me YEARS to learn.
Did you notice how after you sign up, it does not deliver you to a website but instead only makes sure that you confirmed your email? This is because it is interested primarily in people communicating with us - not just signing people up. I tried for a year to accomplish this but failed every time. The very fact that we are talking is the key to why GDI Team Elite works and how I get new signups every week!
 A while back I (or my sponsor) met a seven-figure income earner name Alan. He wasn’t out for blood or my money and we communicated every week and I started watching him. I began to realize from the way he communicated in his emails and all the videos that I watched from him that there was a real skill involved here. His focus was on the skill not so much the business. I saw him promote five or six different businesses and he promoted them all the same way with the same ingredients: Building an email list, communicating with this list and building real trust with his customers and team. In GDI Team Elite your team is helping you to build your list when you become a team leader so that’s why anyone who serious about becoming a team leader I really want to help them to achieve that. Also you will notice that GDI Team Elite allows you to build multiple income streams - which I love! So I hope this helps and gives you vision where you’re going :-)
Looking forward to working with you! :-)
PS: feel free to connect with me on Skype or Facebook Messenger - even just to text
(Phone #)
Facebook Messenger:
As you know I was in (?) 40 different business opportunities and never had real success with any of them. Sure I made some money here and there but my biggest problem was consistent online sales. It was a big problem that took me years into marketing, spending ($?) thousands of dollars over time and still with not much results. I almost quit three times. Not until I met my mentor Alan did things change for me. I finally saw what it was that was alluding me. Here it is for you: I was not building KNOW, LIKE & TRUST with new people. It was all automated advertising without any personal connection between me and the people who saw my ads. When I stumbled on GDI Team Elite, I realized the marketing system had been professionally made to bring new people into contact with me.The very fact that we are talking is the key to why GDI Team Elite works and how I get new signups every week!
You know it’s been said before but “failure is the best teacher” and that’s the school I went to! Lol! I failed a lot. But because of that I know what mistakes I made and can help people to not make the same ones. That’s a key to becoming a good leader. I know that doesn’t sound exciting or like you’re going to be rich tomorrow -but that is the truth. The Sixteen Steps is a walk through the things I learned from making a lot of mistakes.
(Phone #)
As far as what will happen if you switch accounts and join our team - you will lose that account (unless you decide to keep it too). But honestly, (and I’m being very real with you) I respect Stone Evans and his massive knowledge but in my opinion I think you will have a hard time with that program. Stone Evans knows a little secret that many don’t know. And that is investing in TONS of advertising. It also pays to build your mailing list.
GDI Team Elite helps you to do both of these with a team behind you to at least help you get a little further ahead than you will by yourself. Also Stone Evans has found his way a long time ago and sometimes it takes a good five years to find your way. If you trust me I will help you find your way faster but it’s not an easy ride no matter which way you take. At least you know I will always be honest with you and go out of my way to help you. And yes I am your friend. I love God and this is more important than any business.
(Phone #)
In 2012 I lost my job as a teacher (been a kindergarten teacher for 20 yrs) and I wanted to also create a freedom lifestyle for myself and spent 12 hr days for 3-4 months trying to make an online business work for me but I failed really badly. My thoughts on this: it’s way harder then it sounds.
So I got a job as our marriage was suffering now but just never gave up.
Anyway my online business changed when I came across my seven figure income mentor and then GDI Team Elite a bit later. My mentor taught me a lot of things but the most important was how vital real communication is with your new prospects and team. That’s one reason I’m giving you my full attention but the second is because I really care. I also know that we can accomplish something great together. I hope this helps. It’s really important to have a mentor and I can help walk you though the Sixteen Steps with GDI Team Elite if you are open and I will also introduce you to my mentor in step 10.
Let me know!
(Phone #)
(Name), I totally understand where you are at. I did the same thing for a long time too! LOL!
(Name), I totally understand where you are at. I wish, wish wish someone who was good and knew what they were doing had helped me when I was new. In 2012 I lost my job as a teacher (been a kindergarten teacher for 20 yrs) and I wanted to also create a freedom lifestyle for myself and spent 12 hr days for 3-4 months trying to make an online business work for me but I failed really badly. My thoughts on this: it’s way harder then it sounds.
So I got a job as our marriage was suffering now but just never gave up.
Anyway my online business changed when I came across my seven figure income mentor and then GDI Team Elite a bit later. My mentor taught me a lot of things but the most important was how vital real communication is with your new prospects and team. That’s one reason I’m giving you my full attention but the second is because I really care. I also know that we can accomplish something great together. I hope this helps. It’s really important to have a mentor and I can help walk you though the Sixteen Steps with GDI Team Elite if you are open and I will also introduce you to my mentor Alan Cosens in step 10.
Let me know!
(Phone #)
(Name), one thing you have to realize is that an online business is not a job. If you’re looking for a job then that is and should be free. But an online business that you own requires investment just like the owner of any job had to invest to create that business. There are a few online business that are free and I’ve joined many of these but had no real success with these.
I hope this helps! Looking forward to hearing back from you! 
(Phone #)
Hi (Name)! So yes you’re right about a team working better than just on your own. But I have joined a few teams in my time and did not find the support I was looking for. I think you will find that you will be supported very well on our team.
I have been in (?) 40 different business opportunities online since 2012 and found little success with them. But that all changed when I came across my seven figure income mentor and then GDI Team Elite a bit later.
The very fact that we are talking is the key to why GDI Team Elite works.  I spent many years learning 10 principles to online marketing and the one key ingredient I could never seem to integrate was active communication with new prospective members. When I realized GDI Team Elite did that I was blown away.
Anyway, yes there is a seven day trial period with GDI and after that it’s $10 month for the “yours for a lifetime website”. It comes with Hosting and you can also have it set up with WordPress too. I love it myself and use it for my team and also for my own business purposes. GDI has a BBB  rating of A+ and is one of the fastest growing companies in the US. It is however, an international company and we have team members joining us every week from all over the world. Here’s the video about it if you would like to check out the details:
If you want to join our GDI Team Elite, then you can join GDI here and you will be connected to our team. I would love to have you aboard and help you! We have Sixteen Steps to Success with GDI Team Elite and I would love to walk you though these and help you build multiple income sources with us.
I hope this helps you. I realize this response was a little long but I hope it reflects
the fact that I will be there to help you 100%. :-)
(Phone #)
Here’s the link to learn about Global Domains International (GDI). It's a great company
one of the fastest growing Fortune 500 co’s in US with BBB with A+ rating. If you are interested
to learn internet marketing, you can check out the 7 day free trial here:
Contact Info:
Hey (Name) :-)
Nice to hear from you my friend!
Here’s where to go to find out more about GDI. There’s a short video on here to explain it all to you. If you like GDI, go to the link below this one to find out more about GDI Team Elite:
(Personal GDI link from Replicated Sites) 
Click below to find out more about GDI Team Elite: 
(Team Link)
I would love to have you on my team and walk you through all 16 steps to success with our team! 
(Phone #) 
Here is real Sample letter we received. Read this and our response so you will know how to begin answering hard questions: 
"[To team leader] hear allot of methods to build that sound good. I have a idea too  1] I join and pay $10 every month.  2] you or someone give me 6 active paying members.  3]  Now I know you and my upline are serious.  I'll earn $60 per month in my first day or month in GDI.   4]  I'll do your plan be active do team work and refer 6 members.  Give 1 member each to my 6 downline or 2 members to 3 of my downline or give all 6 members to the most active member in my downline.
"I won't tell anyone you gave me 6 members."  I will work each and every day doing traffic exchange as instructed.  [team leader] I'm not new to the business had too many promises; basically I work first and pay first and no returns!  I'll join if someone give me 6 active paying member within 1 week.  Money motivate me; just asking $60 a month for my work to build my and your downline.  If you don't reply to this
idea.  I'll take it you don't agree.  That ok,  even though;  I'm building downline.  If you want me to give more members give me a number.  All my members get pass down any way.  Your plan is perfect!!!  But I need money today I can't wait 2 months on a promise.  I never done exchange click is that like reading someone ad for a minute or 2.  How many clicks per day I must do?  I could wait till you find 6 paying members.  Then contact me.  To join then place the members under me.  Not hard for you to do...right?  Will commit 10 years or more to GDI. Have a bless day.
Regards; [name of sender]"
Our Response:
(You can also use this message)
[name] you need to understand that GDI Team Elite doesn’t give new members to anyone that doesn’t earn them. You seem like a very smart marketer and I think you would understand this. You will find that you have to earn any success you want. There are Steps to success and Steps to learn how to do our business and earning Six members that you deserve. I will work with you if you also work and earn your success. I look forward to helping you get your six if you are willing to work and complete the steps and support the team and what we all we do to help each other. We all help advertise and this we teach you.That’s how we get new members - by the whole team helping advertising you see. People don’t just sign up without there being a lot of advertising happening. 
The reason GDI Team was 
Elite works is because it creates real communication with people - just like how you have communicated with me and that allows trust to build and trust builds solid teams. 
I hope this helps you. Let me know when you are ready to start. ????"
Sincerely, Team Leader
(For members only - not prospective members).
(Name), you need to understand that GDI Team Elite doesn’t give new members to anyone that doesn’t get 1000 hits weekly. This is something I have explained in every team update. But i see you haven’t read the team updates which tells me you have may not be serious about your business. You will find that you have to earn any success you want. I became a team leader by doing a thousand hits for the team each week for 6 months. And it shouldn’t have taken that long but everybody’s story is different. If you really want success, your going to have to get things together a little more and do some real work each week. I am here for you and will help you one step at a time. I am about to give (name) his sixth member soon but he has earned it and helped the team with 1000 hits each week. That’s how we get new members - by the whole team helping advertising you see. People don’t just sign up without there being a lot of advertising happening. I hope this helps you. Let me know when you want to complete Step One and I’ll send it to you - ok :-)
(Phone #)
For members only NOT prospective members.
(Name), I moved two new team members under you this week. (Name) and (Name) You can see full details on your GDI backoffice. Congrats! Keep up the great work. Hope you got the team letter this week and get a chance to check it out. Don't forget that communication with your team is KEY to your success. When I was a member and got my first few members, I tried to communicate with them a little bit, but my heart wasn't in it. I should have sent them an email weekly and been persistent to talk with them. They may stay on and eventually form the backbone of your team so don't forget that nurturing that is very important. Online business has a weirdness to it where people think that its all about automation. They also don't take their business seriously. That was me. I was doing two or three biz opp's at the same time and no concentration of effort. My (or my sponsors) seven figure income mentor drove that out of my mind. For him it was ALL about connecting with people (and he is an expert at using the internet to do that). I hope this helps you (Name). No one took the time to share this with me.
(Phone #)
So you can find your link by going to the Affiliate tab in your GDI back office and then at the bottom under Hit Logs you will see her personal link. You may also find a list of different affiliate links that you can use under the Tab “My Replicated Sites.”
GDI back office link:
Put in her login and password.
Here are some screen shots to help you get to the right place:
(for team members only)
Hey (Name) - this is just an auto email that encourages people to join GDI Team Elite. Don’t worry about them but do read them and get familiar with how they are written and how they attract other to the team. These emails are genius and are one big reason GDI Team Elite works!
(Phone #)
(for members only)
(Name). Welcome aboard! I wanted to share with you a good introduction to GDI and also ask you a couple questions. I was curious to hear your story and what brought you to GDI Team Elite? My story is very interesting too and I don’t mind sharing it with you if you like. Here’s the ink with more info and a video about GDI.
Don’t worry about signing in again. I’m just sending it to you to make sure you know all you need to know about GDI. Ok! Again - welcome!
(for members only)
Well Easyhits4u has one of the largest membership so we embrace it. TEs with small membership is not worth it. Your new member should be broad and advertise primarily in safe list sites because we get most of the signups from them. If this new member can do both both easyhit4u and some safe list sites that will be a lot better for the team.
(Phone #)
I have put you on my newest leader (Name) team (which is also my team too). He/She is my newest leader under me and is doing amazing! You will learn a lot from him/her. He/She may ask you to work through the Sixteen Steps to having success with GDI Team Elite together. You can work with her/him. He/She will be helping you build your team too. Of course I will be here for you all the way and will be helping you personally too. :-)
Feel free to contact me any time!
(Phone #)
I hope these letters help you to be able to respond to your team and to new prospective members who communicate with you wanting to join your team! 
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any team members that are NOW on your team and that your team leader helped bring onto your team - those team members will still have access to their original team leaders page with links and this is encouraged as they helped to do most of the work. As you begin to get independence as a team leader, and bring new people onto your team, your new people will recognize you as their leader and will automatically begin using your team leaders link page.
Please let your team leader know when you have completed these: 
1) Understanding why GDI Team Elite Works.
2) Have all Six GDI Team Elite letters copied with your name, contact info and your links attached to them.
3) Understand how to make your leaders rotator link and a new members team link.
4) Know how to make a basic capture page with BABO (optional but important).
5) Have copied the example response letters to your computer or smart phone notebook and have read through them. You also have an idea of how you would change them to reflect your own personality and circumstances. 
6) Have taken the time to email all your team (again) specifically for this Step and are ready to Co-team lead with your sponsor! 
If so C-O-N-G--R-A-T-S-!!!!
We realize that was a LOT of work! 

To your success!


Your Personal Team Leader


~Albie & Elizabeta

GDI Team Elite Leaders


Marketing Team:

Albie Derbyshire,

Elizabeta Kuzevska,

Krishna Narasimhan

John Vance

Diane Mumm

. .

Copywritten by Albion Derbyshire and Elizabeta Kuzevska 2018, 2019 & 2024

No authorization to use or copy original material within the Sixteen Steps without permission.

The only exception is unless the material is originally owned by a different author.

Our contact information and address:
Albion Derbyshire 1-877-635-5708 355 Cliff Drive, Pasadena, CA. 91107

Great Work on Viewing all the Scripts.?? 

Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We're looking forward to working with you! 

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692
